Enablement and onboarding
Types of Learnings
Types of Learnings
To support the onboarding of your teams, Coro provides a series of training paths for each role type:
- Sales Reps
- Sales Managers, and
- Sales Ops/Admins
There are three distinct types of videos.
- Account planning best pracctices
- Coro Overview
- "How to" guides
Recommended distribution options
Recommended distribution options
When introducing Coro to your organization, we recommend setting up a series of "learning paths" for each of your core roles. There are multiples approaches to providing access to the learnings paths:
- Host the learning path in your own Enablement Platform: If you have an existing sales enablement platform and would like your learners to engage there, please contact the Coro team directly (Coro@bain.com) and they will send you the video content for upload.
- Use Coro's video repository: If you do not have a sales enablement platform, you can provide access to the videos via Coro's Learning Platofrm.
- URL: Coro Video Training Repository
- Access Code: Please contact the Coro team directly (Coro@bain.com)