Dashboards and Reports

Report Access

Report Access

Report Access



There are 2 ways for your Salesforce admin to provide access:

  1. Easiest: Access to pre-existing reports
  2. Recommended / More Complex: Provide full access to all Coro data objects to specific profile

Easiest: Access to pre-existing reports

Easiest: Access to pre-existing reports

Easiest: Access to pre-existing reports: If all you want access to is existing reports, follow these instructions.

  1. Go to "Reports" and select "All Folders"
  2. Click on the arrow next to the "Account Team Reports" folder and choose "Share"
  3. Pick Users, Roles, Groups to provide an access to the folder, choose the access level, click on "Share" and finally on "Done."
  4. Examples of pre-existing reports you may want access to
    1. Sales Play Report
    2. Overall Report (new)

Recommended: Provide full access

Recommended: Provide full access

Recommended: Provide full access to all Coro data objects to specific profile - enables all future report building

  • Objective: Provide access to all data objects to a specific Salesforce User Profile (e.g. Standard Platform User, System Admin, etc.). This access must be granted by a System Admin user using the standard Salesforce changes.
  • Link to Salesforce page (LINK).
  • Summary Actions:
    1. Go to the “Setup” (gear in the very top right corner)
    2. Select “users”
    3. Select “profiles”
    4. Select the profile you would like to provide additional access (e.g. Standard Platform User, System Admin, etc.)
    5. Select “Object Settings” You need to entitle for each Coro object (e.g. sales plays, account plans, key actions, etc.)
    6. Click on the Objects you would like to provide access to the Profile. A list of Coro objects can below
    7. Select the objects you would like to provide access (e.g. read-only)
    8. Once updated, select Save

Objects within Coro

Objects within Coro

  • Coro Objects:
    • coro__account_plan__c
    • coro__account_plan_product_category__c
    • coro__ambition__c
    • coro__category__c
    • coro__competitor__c
    • coro__competitor_landscape__c
    • coro__financial_goal__c
    • coro__financial_historical_value__c
    • coro__key_action__c
    • coro__opportunity_pipeline__c
    • coro__pillar_required_contact__c
    • coro__play_required_user__c
    • coro__power_base__c
    • coro__relationship_play__c
    • coro__sales_play__c
    • coro__sales_play_contact__c
    • coro__sales_play_product_category__c
    • coro__share_of_wallet__c
  • Standard Objects:
    • opportunity
    • user
    • account
    • accountcontactrelation
    • accountteammember
    • contact